麻豆色情片's location

If you're looking for the bustle of city life without the hustle, beautiful Kingston upon Thames is the place for you. On the doorstep of the capital, Kingston is one of London's safest boroughs and offers all the highlights of city living in a leafy, riverside location.

The University's four campuses can be found in and around the town centre, with a free intersite bus connecting them. It's a lively, student-friendly location on the Thames, neighbouring historic Hampton Court Palace and two royal parks. Better still, the heart of the capital is just 30 minutes away by train.

As well as being a fantastic place to make your home, Kingston's excellent transport links make commuting simple from further afield too. With two mainline train stations, a network of bus routes, and major motorways close by, there are so many ways to reach Kingston from London and the rest of the country. And if you're travelling by air, both Gatwick and Heathrow international airports are easily accessible from Kingston by both road and public transport.

Our locations

Our campuses are located close to the heart of Kingston and easy to visit by public transport. Click on the links below to find out more about each of our sites, including detailed directions.

Penrhyn Road

Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames,
Surrey KT1 2EE

Kingston Hill

Kingston Hill, Kingston upon Thames,
Surrey KT2 7LB

Kingston School of Art, Knights Park

Grange Road, Kingston upon Thames,
Surrey KT1 2QJ

Roehampton Vale

Friars Avenue,
London SW15 3DW

Kingston School of Art, River House

53–57 High Street, Kingston upon Thames,
Surrey KT1 1LQ

Visit the right campus

麻豆色情片 has four campuses. You are welcome to visit all four but you may want to concentrate on the campus where your course is taught. Use the subject list below to find the right campus for your visit.

Please note that due to ongoing road works taking place in and around Kingston, there may be travel disruption and delays for traffic and public transport. We encourage you to consult the or your maps/sat nav app to plan your journey and take into account any expected delays.

Find campus by subject area

Please find your subject of interest in the following list to ensure you go to the right campus:

Subject of interestCampus to visit
Accounting and finance Kingston Hill
Adult nursing Kingston Hill
Aerospace engineering Roehampton Vale
Aerospace engineering, astronautics and space technology Roehampton Vale
Aircraft engineering Roehampton Vale
Architecture Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Aviation engineering Roehampton Vale
Aviation operations with commercial pilot training Roehampton Vale
Biochemistry Penrhyn Road
Biological sciences (human, medical, genetics and molecular biology) Penrhyn Road
Biomedical science Penrhyn Road
Building surveying Penrhyn Road
Business economics Penrhyn Road
Business psychology Penrhyn Road
Business management Kingston Hill
Chemistry Penrhyn Road
Children's nursing Kingston Hill
Civil and infrastructure engineering Penrhyn Road
Computer games programming Penrhyn Road
Computer science Penrhyn Road
Construction management Penrhyn Road
Creative and cultural industries: art direction Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Creative and cultural industries: curation, exhibition and events Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Creative and cultural industries: design marketing Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Creative and professional writing Penrhyn Road
Creative writing and drama Penrhyn Road
Creative writing and film cultures Penrhyn Road
Criminology Penrhyn Road
Criminology and forensic psychology Penrhyn Road
Criminology and International Relations Penrhyn Road
Criminology and sociology Penrhyn Road
Cyber security and computer forensics Penrhyn Road
Dance Penrhyn Road
Dance and drama Penrhyn Road
Digital business Kingston Hill
Digital media technology Penrhyn Road
Drama Penrhyn Road
Drama and creative writing Penrhyn Road
Drama and English Penrhyn Road
Drama and film cultures Penrhyn Road
Drama and Theatre Arts Penrhyn Road
Early years foundation Kingston Hill
Early years leadership and management foundation Kingston Hill
Early years education and leadership practice (top-up) Kingston Hill
Early years teaching and learning (top-up) Kingston Hill
Economics Penrhyn Road
Education Kingston Hill
English and creative writing Penrhyn Road
English language and linguistics Penrhyn Road
English literature Penrhyn Road
Entrepreneurship and innovation management Kingston Hill
Environmental science Penrhyn Road
Environmental science with hazards and disasters Penrhyn Road
Fashion Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Filmmaking Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Fine art Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Fine art and art history Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Financial Economics Penrhyn Road
Forensic psychology Penrhyn Road
Forensic sciences Penrhyn Road
Foundation art and design Penrhyn Road
Geography Penrhyn Road
Graphic design Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Historic building conservation Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Human geography Penrhyn Road
Human rights and criminology Penrhyn Road
Human rights and social justice Penrhyn Road
Human rights and sociology Penrhyn Road
Illustration animation Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Interior design Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
International business Kingston Hill
International law Penrhyn Road
Journalism Penrhyn Road
Journalism and media Penrhyn Road
Law Penrhyn Road
Learning disability nursing Kingston Hill
Marketing and advertising Kingston Hill
Mathematics Penrhyn Road
Mechanical engineering Roehampton Vale
Media and communication Penrhyn Road
Media skills (top-up) Penrhyn Road
Mental health nursing Kingston Hill
Midwifery Kingston Hill
Music Kingston Hill
Nursing Kingston Hill
Nutrition (human nutrition; exercise and health) Penrhyn Road
PGCE Primary Kingston Hill
PGCE Secondary Kingston Hill
Pharmaceutical science Penrhyn Road
Pharmacology Penrhyn Road
Pharmacology with business Penrhyn Road
Pharmacy Penrhyn Road
Photography Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Physical education, sport and activity Kingston Hill
Primary Teaching Kingston Hill
Product and furniture design Kingston School of Art, Knights Park
Psychology Penrhyn Road
Psychology with criminology Penrhyn Road
Psychology with sociology Penrhyn Road
Quantity surveying consultancy Penrhyn Road
Real estate management Kingston Hill
Social work Kingston Hill
Sociology Penrhyn Road
Sociology and international relations Penrhyn Road
Special educational needs and inclusive practice Kingston Hill
Sport and exercise science foundation Penrhyn Road
Sport coaching foundation Penrhyn Road
Sport science Penrhyn Road
Sport science (coaching) Penrhyn Road
Working with children and young people Kingston Hill

Other University locations

I knew I wanted to live at home when studying at university and I've found Kingston is a great place to do this as many students here do the same. It takes 45 minutes door-to-door to get to my lectures and my journey takes me through Richmond Park where I get to walk alongside grazing deer. I can then pick up the free University bus from Kingston town centre that takes me directly to my lectures.

Almas, third year BA (Hons) Biomedical Science student

Almas, third year BA (Hons) Biomedical Science student

Where we are in London

Kingston upon Thames in Greater London is just 10 miles from the centre of the capital, in London Travelcard Zone 6. Travelcards (also known as Oyster cards) make travelling across the city easy, and discounts are available for students. For more information, visit the .

Icon Title
Campus Campus
Halls of residence Halls of residence
Other University building Other University building
Train station Train station
Bus station Bus station
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Banner image credit: Peter Langdown